Join the 5:2 Club!
what's included?
You will receive a delivery of 12x fresh cold-pressed juices made to order just for you! Enjoy x6 juices per cleansing day. The female 5:2 plan is 500 calories daily & the male is 600 calories daily. We recommend subscribing weekly for best results. Skip deliveries or cancel easily!
500 calories

600 calories

Don’t take it from us...

5:2 Cleanse (Female)
Our 5:2 plan contains x 12 250ml juices and nut milks to be split over 2 consecutive fasting days. Subscribe...
5:2 Cleanse (Male)
Our 5:2 plan contains x 12 250ml juices and nut milks to be split over 2 consecutive fasting days. Subscribe...
how it works...
We find it’s the most long-term weight-loss plan out there. The plan allows you to continue eating the foods you want which makes it less likely that you will get intense cravings from restriction of these foods. Generally, the majority of weight-loss plans require on-going restriction of certain foods (that we all tend to love!) It always ends up being quite unsustainable to be on these programmes as your cravings will only get deeper and deeper, creating a yo-yo effect everytime you look at the scale.
If you would like a delivery at your doorstep consecutively, simply set up a subscription with us at checkout to remove the hassle of coming back to place an order. You can pick how often you want these deliveries and can manage them on your account!
We would recommend a weekly subscription so that you get to see the best results. However, you by no means have to force it! Schedules get busy and you can choose to receive one-off deliveries to work around your schedule instead.
The easy answer is anything you want! However, in reality, you will find that you start to crave less processed foods, even on your regular eating days. The programme is set up to help you ease your body into a healthier lifestyle. Many 5:2 customers have found themselves feeling more satisfied with healthier foods during this programme.
By juicing on your 2 cleansing days, you are allowing your body and digestive system time to rest. You know that on these 2 days, you are getting in the best, most nutritious calories you can find. And to top it all off - you don't need to meal prep! Leave it to us.
Weight loss, reduced insulin resistance, balanced blood sugar levels, decreased inflammation, decreased bloat, the list goes on...! and of course, don't just take it from us! Check out the 5:2 reviews written by our lovely customers to see the outstanding results they have experienced.
If you have an account with us, you probably already have some Carrot Coins laying around that you can redeem at any time. If not, head to the bottom left of our website to find a yellow Carrot Coin button. Simply click and enter in your details to start earning rewards on your orders! Here you will also find a referrals section that allows you to refer a friend and collect more coins.